
Fumbled Hearts (Tender Hearts #1) by Meagan Brandy

36218762Fumbled Hearts
Series: Tender Hearts
by Meagan Brandy
My Rating: ⭐⭐

After months of refusing, I finally agreed to make the move to Alrick Falls. My family thought it was best – that a new scene would be good for me – and I was sick of having the same conversation.
So here I am, and the plan is simple. Smile through each day and avoid her at all cost.
It’s perfect.
Until the cocky quarterback comes into play.
The last thing I want is his crooked grin and dark brown eyes focused on me.
Yet here he is, constantly in my space, pushing me, daring me to care. Telling me what I think and feel, as if he knows.
He doesn’t know anything. And I plan to keep it that way. He’s the persistent playboy who refuses to walk away. I’m the impassive new girl with nothing left to give.
Things are about to get complicated.
My Thoughts

Where to begin? I had been seeing this book around for a while and decided to finally read it. I was expecting a sweet YA romance. That is not what I got. What we got was a long book with a main character who irked me to no end. This was a mix between the Fallen Crest series & The Royals series to me. I could see what the author was trying to do here, but it fell short. 

Kalani was a tough character for me to like. I think she was supposed to come off as witty and a badass who doesn’t care what people think about her. I thought that she uncaring, judgmental, and annoying. She started the book off knowing she was judgmental as hell and continued throughout this book. I know she went through a lot in the past, both her parents and grandpa died on her birthday. Anytime things became real she would shut down or joke her way out of it. Especially when it came to Nate. I really hate the way she treated Nate at times. 

Nate really deserved better than he got in the relationship. Was he playboy before he met her? Yeah. Did he want to be with her and let her know that he only wanted her? Yeah. She would kick him out of her house and still go on dates with other guys even when he laid his feelings out on the table. Seriously? Girl get a grip. 

A lot of this book was unrealistic in so many ways. Parents who approve and actually tell their son to have sex in their house (while they are there? A high school girl who just happens to be emancipated and lives in a 3 bedroom house by herself? These were supposed to be high school seniors, however, they are doing crap that I didn’t do until my twenties. This should have really been set in college. 

Overall, this book was unrealistic, too long, and such a disappointment. I saw that the next book in this series is about Parker. And while he was a complete angel, I don’t have it in me to read anymore. 

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8 thoughts on “Fumbled Hearts (Tender Hearts #1) by Meagan Brandy

  1. So, I have to ask. Did you not like Fallen Crest? Just curious because I actually loved that series. I was wondering if that would mean I would like this book.

    I think you have valid points about the stuff you didn’t believe. I wouldn’t let me kid do any of that. Although, I will play devil’s advocate for a minute. My husband’s mom is one who wouldn’t have cared if he had sex in her house as a teenager. He has some great stories about stuff she said about that sort of thing. LOL. And my best friend’s boyfriend was emancipated as a senior. He didn’t live in a 3 bedroom house, but he did live in a single wide all by himself. Just throwing that out there. All of that in the same book is a little too convenient, though.

    Sorry this one was such a disappointment, but your review for it was great! 🙂


  2. I liked Fallen Crest and the Royal series. This book was in the same style as those so I thought I would use them as a reference. Sadly, while it’s similar it didn’t compare.
    I thought that things were way to convenient for the main character actually. But all of these are just my opinions.

    If you have KU, it’s on there if you want to give it a try! 🙂


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