
Changes Coming to the Blog

I have been going back and forth about talking about my lack of E V E R Y T H I N G blogging and reading. I don’t even know where to start. I have been reading less. So much less. Between changing jobs, COVID19, and a reading slump; I’ve been so unmotivated to read or post. 

My reading has taken such a nose dive and I’ve been so discouraged. I used to work at a job where I could finish a book every two days. I started my blog when I was working there and had enough review content to have at least three review posts a week. However, I can’t keep up with that same volume of reading or reviews. Instead of reading at work all day, I have to wait until I get home and let me tell you, between long days at work and getting situated at home, reading has been the last thing on my mind. 

So where does that leave me? What are these changes? Well, some of them you will see and some you won’t. Post Divder Spring

(Maybe) One Review A Week

I currently upload two reviews a week, but I’m honestly thinking of dropping it down to one. That leaves me some breathing room to not stress about making sure I have content for the blog. Who knows, maybe one week I’ll add two because I just wanted to read more. 

No More Requesting ARCs

Yes. Y’all read that right. I don’t have any reason to request or accept them at this time. I currently have 19 ARCs. Let me be real with y’all.  11 of them are unread and overdue. I know, runs and hides in shame.

This is probably the biggest reason as to why I have lost my love for reading. The deadlines, keeping up with publishers, and having them dictate what and when I need to read. I have pushed them in a corner about two months ago and have been ignoring them ever since. I mood read the last two months and it’s been exhilarating. It also made me realize that  I miss reading a book when it releases. It’s fun getting excited over it and also being able to talk about it with others since it’s out in the world. 

Reading and Talking About Romance More

This next one is something that I don’t want anyone to take the wrong way. There is nothing wrong with YA and I don’t think that there is an age limit for it. However, I haven’t really been interested in YA titles lately. What I’m running into is that either the synopsis doesn’t drag me in or once I’m reading it I feel like it’s just teen angst all the time. I know I’m not the targeted audience so I’ve been reading a lot of New Adult and I think that’s a better fit for me right now. I’m not saying that I’m never going to pick up a YA again, because that would be a lie. I’m just not going to be pushing myself to reading it just to have it for my blog.

I know some people dislike romance. I’ve been reading romance since I was sneaking my mom’s books when I was 12. There’s nothing like a good romance that makes me feel warm and cozy. To add to that, Manga is one of the things that brought me out of a dark time by giving me something to be excited about again. I am going to focus on these two genres more because they bring me joy.Post Divder Spring

All of this to say, even though I might not be reading some of your favorite genres or posting as much as I used to, I hope you’ll still stick around with me!  

41 thoughts on “Changes Coming to the Blog

  1. Take care Kayla!!!

    A new job can change the status quo a LOT!! I’ve noticed that too. I have some huge changes coming at me too. All we can do it go with the flow and figure things out as they happen.

    ~ Corina | The Brown Eyed Bookworm


  2. You know I’ll be here! These are all great changes. As life changes, we have to adapt. You’re doing a great job at prioritizing.
    I’ve been feeling the need to scale back lately on the blog front, read what I want when I want, and not review every freaking book I read. (I have a habit of trying to do that.) I cut back on ARCs a year or two ago and it was one of the best things ever. I try to only request books I know I would read anyways by authors I know and love. I usually post 3 reviews a week and I’m planning on scaling back to two soon. I’m also debating on whether to keep up with TTT or WWW. I think I would drop WWW before TTT. I am starting to feel like blogging has turned into a habit.
    Good luck on this! You got it!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love that you are brave and truthful enough to put your real self out there. Books are a uniquely portable magic. Reading should make you happy, joyful, excited & take you on adventures etc. If it’s not doing any of those things then what’s the point. Get back to the joy of reading.


  4. This is a great post. I find i take very few ARC and book tours because I hate reading on a deadline. I read what I want and if no one reads it thats okay . I thinking of making some changes and you have inspired me to just do it.


  5. Honestly at the end of the day you come first and if you need to make these changes then do what’s best for you. We will all be here for you while you get your new rhythm down. I look forward to your next post. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m so, so proud of you and I love you so much! 💜 You have to do what’s best for you and I hope these changes help renew your love for romance. Going forward, I’m excited for all the possible romance buddy reads and manga buddy reads! I’m always here, no matter what content you put out, no matter what you read. I hope this is the fresh breath of air you need! 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Take care, Kayla! You are not alone in feeling unmotivated and slumpy – I just came back from basically a 3 month hiatus for the same reasons. This year is already stressful, and then you add your job change and different amounts of reading time. I finally got out of my slump by mood reading a bit and it was great. Looking forward to doing that more and only requesting ARCs when I NEED the book.


  8. This was totally me a few months ago. I made it a goal this year to take on less ARCs, which I’ve done that, significantly. I tend to stick to the authors I absolutely love and if there’s something that I truly want to read, I request it. I just wanted to make things less stressful for myself. As an unapologetic romance reader, I’m definitely looking forward to all your romance books you read 😁


  9. I think these sounds like great decisions! I request so many less ARCs now that I did a couple years ago and it’s helped me enjoy reading again. Also when I stopped caring about how many times I post a week made me like my blog more again. I also relate to your thoughts on YA. I still love a good YA book now and then, but I just don’t have the taste for YA fantasy like I used to.


  10. I’ve also been in such a slump as of recently!! I think COVID also really did not help in terms of being motivated..

    and omg ARCS can be so much pressure sometimes! We all need a break 🙂


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